GitOps Gateway: Using the new Gateway-API with FluxCD and Kong

Michael Tissen
5 min readMar 3, 2024

In this series, I’ll first show you what Flux is and how it works, and later show you how to put all the basic Kubernetes configuration into a Git repository to add load balancer, ingress with cert-manager, and persistent storage with a single command.

I attach great importance to the fact that I have tested and carried out the processes described here myself.

Generated with DAll-E 3

What has happened so far?

Kubernetes, Fluxcd, Metallb, Cert-Manager and Sealed-Secrets

In Part 2

  • Installed sealed-secrets
  • Installed sealed-secrets cli
  • Encrypted secret
  • Uploaded secret safely to github
  • Decrypted secret in kubernetes
  • Installed cert-manager to the cluster

What is missing?

  • Handling the traffic to our cluster
  • Persistence

